
Definition of words

  • “Footage” means any moving video excluding still images, recorded in any format.
  • “Content” means all content available for license from this website, including Images & Footage (as defined herein.)
  • “Platform” means the website that hosts the video footage.

Intellectual Property
Your use of the Services grants you no right, nor license, to reproduce or resell any footage hosted on this platform. This platform hosts 2 differents files. Preview footage and the final footage.

Preview footage
The preview footage on this website can be freely used in test, sample, comp, or rough cut evaluation.
The preview footage includes our watermark and is a low resolution footage (720 pixels).

This preview footage does not permit you to display or distribute to the public or incorporate into any final materials any such Footage. A preview shot can be edited, but you may not remove or alter the watermark.

Final footage
The footage on this website that you will purchase can only be used once per series, or movie. reuse for other productions is not allowed.
To use the same shot for another project you need to purchase and download the video once again.
Final footage is recorded in 4K at 25fps (unless indicated on the product page).

• Television Distribution – The Final footage license permits usage in television shows or commercials. Usage is also permitted for distribution over any broadcast, cable or satellite.
• Movie Theater Distribution – Distribution in movie theaters is permitted with the Final footage license.
• Over the Top (OTT) Video Distribution – Over the top video distribution, or streaming services such as Netflix, Prime or Videoland is permitted by the Final footage license.

Except when required by law, shall be under no obligation to issue refunds under any circumstances. All fees are non-refundable. does not warrant that the Content on this platform will meet your requirements or that use will be uninterrupted or error free. The entire risk as to the quality, performance and use of the Content is solely with you.

Collection of personal information
As a visitor to the site, you can use this platform without providing any personal information.
However, if you register to use a this platform and order footage as a customer, we will collect the following personal information about you in order to provide our services:
– Contact information such as your name, telephone, address and email address;
– Billing information such as your credit card number, expiry date, card type and billing address;
– demographic information such as company name and the name of the production that will include the drone shots.
– profile information, including your username and password, details about your purchases and the content you have bought from us.

When you download and use our platform, we automatically collect information about the type of device you are using and the version of the operating system. At no time do we ask for, access, or track any location-based information from your mobile device when you download or use our services.

Updating Your Personal Information and Privacy Preferences
Upon request, will provide you with information about the personal data we process and how you can access it. Please contact us at if you would like to request this information.
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data and privacy preferences at any time. You can do this by clicking on the link ‘My account‘, and the sublink ‘Account details’ where you can directly view and change most of your personal data. If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, this can only be changed by contacting We will try to respond to your request within a reasonable time.

EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1st, 2021 is the main company name and has a sub brand called Amsterdam Drone Shots.